Xton Access Manager Product Update
Today we released new update to the Xton Privileged Access Manager software. This update extended Auditor role to include management review options, added Basic Authentication support to HTTP Proxy, added RDP Proxy MFA reconnect support, added custom keywords for email approvals and bread-crumbs navigation to management screens.
Extended Auditor role to include management review options
The update extended the Auditor role to include permissions to review but not edit Global Roles, Global Permissions, Folder Permissions, Folder Workflows, Record Workflows, Record Tasks, Record Permission and Record Formula. The option enabled role delegations to access vital security reports to simplify complex security audits.
Added the option to transparently reconnect to RDP Proxy session with MFA
The update adds the option for transparent reconnect of RDP Proxy sessions established using native RDP clients following connection interruption in cases when original connection used MFA code expired at the time of the reconnect. The option encourages the use of MFA for remote connections to Windows end-points while maintaining familiar remote session experience removing barriers to adopt best practices in remote access security.</p>
<p>It is important to note that the client configuration is expected to include “Reconnect if connection is dropped” option for RDP Reconnect option with MFA process the request.
Added Basic Authentication support to HTTP Proxy
The update added Basic Authentication support to HTTP Proxy to enable high-trust login with permissions and access requests workflow to large class of WEB Portals to configure devices managing network infrastructure. The option works transparently for the users and administrators configuring the option automatically detecting the authentication type and using appropriate protocol.
Added custom keywords for email approvals
The update added the option to specify custom keywords to approve requests by email in addition to default ok, yes, approve, approved keywords using Approve by Mail Keywords system parameter in Workflows section. The option enables organization, regional or language-dependent configuration of the request approval to simplify organization business processes.
Added bread-crumbs navigation to management screens
The update added full-path bread-crumbs navigation with multiple link paths to the WEB GUI forms for managing permissions, workflows, task lists, tokens, password formula, command control, local users and groups. The option simplifies navigation when configuring system access for multiple assets linked to different folders and vaults.